Copyright Infringement

Copyright Infringement Policy

Violating our copyrights can, among other things, result in your website being banned by Google. Please read below for more information.

All images and text on this website are copyrighted by Ceatus Media Group LLC. Violation of copyright is a crime under United States law. Copyrights are also enforceable in other countries as a result of international treaties, provisions of which provide protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights.

Acceptable Use: You may print pages of our website for your own personal use. That is the only acceptable reproduction of our copyrighted material. You may also link from your website to any page(s) on our website.

Unacceptable Use: Any other use of our text and/or graphics other than that listed above constitutes copyright infringement. Your use of our material is illegal even if you mention All About Facial Rejuvenation as the source, or include the author's byline.

All About Facial Rejuvenation continually monitors the Internet for illegal reproduction of our copyrighted material. New technology is making it quicker and easier than ever to identify instances of infringement.

When we find infringement, we will:

  • Invoice the website owner for a retroactive licensing fee. Our standard fee is $10 per day, per article or portion thereof.
  • File a notification with Google, Yahoo, MSN, and other search engines that you have violated the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Search engines regularly remove DMCA violators from their database.
  • Contact you with a demand to immediately remove the infringing material from your website.

If, upon notification of violation, you do not remove the offending content in a timely manner, we will:

  • Petition your web host to shut down your account. Most web hosting companies have "abuse" departments to handle such requests.
  • Refer your violation to our law firm for appropriate action.

  • Halaas 58x57

    Yael Halaas, MD, FACS

    60 E. 56th Street
    3rd Floor
    New York, NY 10022
    (332) 239-6439

  • P

    Mune Gowda, MD

    3270 West Big Beaver
    Suite 415
    Troy, MI 48084

  • P

    Sean Maguire, MD

    Physician's Center for Beauty
    24 Chenoweth Lane
    Louisville, KY 40207
    (866) 774-9105