Facial Rejuventation Today

Take a Spring Break … From Shaving

We all know that shaving or waxing can get annoying, especially over the spring and summer months. Imagine never having to worry about shaving your legs or underarms again, or heading to the beach without having to worry about your bikini line. Laser hair removal allows you to do just that.

This simple procedure beams concentrated light into your hair follicles. The pigment in the hair follicles absorbs the light, which destroys the hair. This process can be performed on the face, legs, arms, underarms, bikini line and several other areas of the body.

There are a number of benefits to laser hair removal. For one, you’ll never have to worry about shaving or waxing again. Another benefit is the precision of the technique; laser hair removal can selectively target dark, coarse hairs while leaving your skin undamaged. The speed of the procedure is also a great benefit.  The laser can target several hairs at the same time, which allows large areas of your body to be treated at once. Areas like your upper lip can take less than two minutes, and areas such as your legs and back can take an hour. Most individuals have permanent hair loss in only three to five sessions, which means you can get your hair zapped and start having fun in no time.

Prepare for laser hair removal by choosing a qualified laser hair removal provider. Like any medical procedure, laser hair removal comes with inherent risks, so verify the credentials of the doctor who will be performing the procedure.

Refrain from waxing, plucking or electrolysis for six weeks before your appointment. This is a vital preparation step because laser hair removal targets the roots of the hair, and these roots are temporarily removed by waxing and plucking.

Aftercare is also important. Once the procedure has been performed you may notice some redness and discomfort in the areas that were treated. Your doctor may give you anti-inflammatory creams for the area. Applying moisturizers to this area for the next few days should minimize any further discomfort.

If your face is treated, you can wear make-up the next day, but only if your skin doesn’t have any blistering — and always wear sunscreen when going outdoors.

Schedule your next appointment about four to six weeks later. Once your treatments are completed you can finally enjoy a life without razors and waxes.

Guest Blogger Jessica DeRadd who works with Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons.